He Loves to Fly and He D'ohs

The Simpsons - Season 19 - Episode 1 - He Loves to Fly and He D'ohs
Watch The Simpsons - He Loves to Fly and He D'ohs online

About this Simpsons episode:
The Simpsons - He Loves to Fly and He D'ohs marks the beginning of season 19, being the first episode and number 401  overall in the series.
In this Simpsons episode, Home is a hero saving Mr. Burns from death by drowning. Mr. Burn reword Homer with dinner and a flight on his private jet. Homer enjoyed this so much as he decided to never to fly commercial again. He also tried to find a job that involves flying in a corporate jet, he even hires a life coach named Colby Kraus.
Anyway this adventure makes Homer sad and disappointed that he will never be rich and successful enough to enjoy his life.


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